Abandoned Frostbitten Pup’s Recovery Brings Tears to His Rescuer’s Eyes
Taking on the role of an animal rescuer offers a deeply rewarding experience that few professions can match. Witnessing an animal's transformation from fear and isolation to finding a caring family brings joy even on the toughest days.
One passionate rescuer became so dedicated to her mission that she developed a habit of scanning roadsides while driving, always ready to lend assistance to any stray in need. On numerous occasions, her heart would race at the sight of what she thought was a distressed creature.
After taking an exit and retracing her route, it often turned out to be nothing more than discarded items like boxes or bags. Yet despite these frequent misidentifications, her commitment remained unwavering as she continued searching for animals needing help throughout every journey.
Discover more inspiring stories about rescuers making profound impacts today!
Rescuing a Pup From the Ravine’s Depths
While navigating a bustling highway, the rescuer noticed an unusual brown shape nestled in a ditch between two lanes.
This time, it turned out to be a frightened dog shivering from the cold and desperately seeking refuge for warmth.
Without hesitation, the rescuer scooped up the little one and placed him inside her vehicle.
Although he wore a collar suggesting that someone may have once cared for him, that detail lost significance at this moment; what truly mattered was his newfound safety and comfort away from the harsh elements outside.
Following a long nine-hour journey, the rescuer and the dog arrived at a veterinary clinic. A comprehensive examination was promptly conducted, revealing that he had sustained an injury to his back leg.
Additionally, it was discovered that bones had become lodged in his rectum, which impacted his ability to eat comfortably. The pup received the name Pea during this time and underwent an ultrasound that confirmed a pelvic fracture.
Fortunately, surgery wasn't necessary; however, restrictions on Pea's movements were put in place to ensure proper healing without intervention.
Food issues emerged as the primary concern.
Pea completely rejected all types of food, experienced occasional vomiting, and struggled with bowel movements.
Veterinarians identified that pain, stress, and stomach inflammation were the underlying causes of these symptoms.
Continuous monitoring was crucial for his recovery; therefore, it became necessary to leave Pea at the veterinary clinic for further care and observation.
The Journey Forward Is Just Beginning
Following additional examinations, it was revealed that Pea experienced a rupture within his genitourinary system, necessitating urgent surgical intervention.
Sadly, two ruptures were discovered: one in the urethra and another in the ureter.
A urethroplasty was performed on Pea; however, after a few days post-surgery, veterinarians conducted an ultrasound and identified complications with his overall urinalysis results.
Pea faced significant challenges with inflammation affecting his renal pelvis and ureter, which prevented him from urinating. Despite showing resilience, he struggled to consume food during this difficult time.
After spending 16 days at the veterinary clinic, Pea finally began eating independently; however, urination remained an issue. Consequently, veterinarians made the decision to place a catheter for assistance.
Continuous ultrasounds were necessary due to swelling in both his renal pelvis and ureter, ensuring that he remained stable and out of critical danger throughout this ordeal.
Finally Safe and Out of Danger
After a period of twenty days, significant improvements became evident. His life was no longer at risk, allowing everyone to breathe easier.
A few days later, Pea underwent another ultrasound that confirmed he had completely healed. Now in a nurturing foster home filled with warmth and care, he is thriving immensely.
His appetite has grown tremendously as he eagerly devours every meal placed before him. It’s easy to see that soon Pea will find his forever family, a loving group dedicated to ensuring his safety and happiness from now on.
This little fighter possesses incredible strength and truly deserves all the wonderful things life can provide; it is my hope that these blessings come his way without delay!
Truc Tran
Animal Lover & Content Specialist
Rescue Participant, Meal Planning for Pets, Recipe Development for Pets, Content Editor
TasTAFE, Australia
Kendall College (Australia Branch in Sydney)
HNAAu School (Vietnam, International Joint Training Program
Truc Tran is an animal lover and rescue advocate with 2 cute furry kids. With a background in culinary arts, she uses her skills to create easy pet-friendly recipes and share helpful tips for caring for rescue animals.
At cutiepuppie.com, Truc focuses on showing the joys of adopting rescue pets and helping owners connect with their furry friends. Her passion for dogs and digital storytelling helps inspire readers to build meaningful connections with their furry companions.